Helping evangelize the world one person at a time
Mark 16:15

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The following questions are periodically sent as survey to randomly selected individuals.  The column on the left is the questions ask.  The column on the right is the results of the responses.  The first items to each column indicates the number of survey's sent and the number of responses received.

Survey's Sent:  165 Survey Responses:  3
Questions Answers
1.  How often do you attend church?  
  • Regularly
  • 4
  • Occasionally
  • 2
  • Only on special holidays/occasions
  • Not at all
2.  How man Bibles do you have in the home?  
  • One
  • 1
  • 2 to 3
  • 4
  • More than 3
  • 2
  • None
3.  How often do you read the Bible?  
  • Daily
  • 2
  • Only when at church
  • 1
  • Occasionally
  • 3
  • Never
4.  Are there children in the home?  
  • Yes
  • 4
  • No
  • 3
5.  Do you think it is important that children get some kind of spiritual training?  
  • Yes
  • 3
  • No
  • I think it is up to them
  • 1
6.  Do you believe there is a Heaven and Hell?  
  • Yes
  • 3
  • No
  • Not sure
  • 1
7.  If you were to die today do you know for certain where you will spend eternity?  
  • Yes
  • 3
  • No
  • Not sure
8.  If you answered YES to #7 where do you believe you will spend eternity?




9.  What do you base your answer to #8 on?  

click here to see the different responses to #7 and #8

10.  If you answered NO or NOT SURE to #7; has anyone ever taken the Bible
      and shown you how you can know for sure where you will spend eternity?
  • Yes
  • No
Number of respondents who requested a copy of our  "Eternity"  DVD
  • 3

A copy of all responses are kept on file for verification



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